Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 3: Stranger Danger....What I'm up to

     This was probably one of our most inspiring weeks yet.  People found a lot of success with our 1-mile push-it challenge, and there was just an overall feeling of success within the group.  I also felt that way.  It was a fun week to get out there, meet new people, and run!  So here's how I completed this week's challenges:

Physical:  Try Something New!

     Free weights are not something that I feel I am very good at.  So I just avoid them, and focus on what is more comfortable for me.  Well, I got schooled this week.  Saturday morning my good friend asked me to come down to his part of Seoul and work out with him.  I was in a good mood and ready to try something new.  So away I went and 2 hours later I was in a new gym with ex-bodybuilder...FML!  I was about to get killed.  He pushed me hard and had me sweating in places I didn't know could sweat anymore.  It was a great workout, and I learned a lot more about free weights. They still scare me, but I'm really going to try and incorporate them into my workouts more.

Mental:  Confront a Fear!!

     Our fears really hold us back from being the best person we can be.  I was determined to tackle a few of my own.  I tackled my first fear on Friday night...singing in front of an audience.  I have been acting since I was around 12 years old, but singing still scares me to death.  I'm not that good at it, and it just stresses me out.  I went up there on Friday and did the best I can do.  I was proud that I got through the song without fainting and look forward to doing better this Friday.  

     I have also been really scared of clowns for sometime.  So a friend of mine and I decided we were going to try and lessen that fear.  We sat down and watched "It".  We didn't make it all the way through the movie, but I did discover that I was able to look at Pennywise more and more as the movie went along.  I'm still not over it (you will not see clown pics on this blog), but I do feel that I'm moving in the right direction.  

Emotional:  Stranger Danger!!

     Luckily, I have always been a very social person.  I love people and getting to know them.  Meeting people; however, can be a problem for some.  I wanted us all to step out of our comfort zones, and meet some new people.  It was great to see so many new faces pop up all over the event page.  I chose a lady that I have had casual conversation with for the past year.  I have never taken the time; however, to get to know her.  I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to talk to her.  She is lovely, and I'm glad that I took that time to meet her.  

Push It:  Run 1 mile!!

     Our guest blogger, Jessica Pasco, challenged us to run/walk 1 mile.  This challenge brought me the most joy this week.  I have never timed my mile and wanted to see how fast I could do it.  I was able to run it in about 9 minutes.  I couldn't believe it!  I remember barely being able to run for 1 minute just 11 months ago.  I saw, in that moment, how hard I need to keep pushing myself.  I'm capable of more than I give myself credit for.  

**Keep pushing yourself to new limits this week.  We got this!  Make today your day!**

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