Sunday, April 20, 2014

Beach Body Challenge Week 3: Stranger Danger!!!

            So we are about to begin Week 3.  Reading everyone’s stories and seeing all the amazing pictures is so inspiring.  Last week was tough!  I wanted this week to be a bit more fun and not so intense.  So welcome to Week 3….Stranger Danger!!!

            I love meeting new people.  Since I can remember, I have loved people.  It is hard; however, to put yourself out there and make those new connections.  Last year, a guy I had just met was leaving Korea and asked me if I would help out the teacher who would be replacing him.  I agreed and a few weeks later I met up with this itty, bitty, Armenian feller from Los Angeles.  Little did I know that I had just met the brother I never had and a person that would become my best friend.  By taking the time to meet someone new, I found an amazing friend.  Mark has been one of my “rocks” in this process and has helped me to be as successful as I’ve been.  You need these positive people, but it takes getting out there to find them and meet them.  It takes taking risks!  So let’s take some risks this week!

Try something new physically.  I never thought I could plank until last week.  Let’s keep that spirit alive and try out a new exercise, routine, or class. 
Confront a fear.  Fear holds us back from becoming all that we can be.  Don’t let fear stop you this week. 
Stranger Danger---Selfie O’Clock
*Get a selfie with someone new you meet throughout the week.  Take the time to reach out to a stranger.  You never know…that person might change your life.

      Have a great week, y’all!  If last week proved disastrous, pick yourself up and hit it hard this week.  Just don’t give up!  Failure is a part of the process.  It’s how we learn to do things differently next time.  Giving up on yourself is never the answer.  Keep bringing sexy back!  Hash tag handles this week:  #sgjunebody  #strangerdanger

            We will also have another guest blogger this week who will give us our #pushit challenge.  That information should be up the next few days.  

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