Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Results Week 2

     Week 2 proved to be a tough week for the majority of the group.  I asked everyone to workout with a buddy, give up a vice, and to forgive themselves or someone else.  Ok...working out with a friend sounds easy enough, but what if you struggle to even find the courage to work out by yourself?  What if you have to huff and puff your way through a simple walk while others are jogging along?  It now becomes a daunting task.  I can remember walking through the gym for the first time again on May 6th.  I felt ready to tackle my weight issues, but I was also scared shitless!  I knew I would be the biggest one in there.  I knew people would be watching.  Overcoming that fear of being active with others is vital.

"Working out with a friend is always a plus when you find a friend that does not judge nor makes you feel as though you are holding them back." Allison (Ilsan, South Korea)


     We all have vices.  Some big and some small.  Giving up any vice is never easy.  However, when we can give up something that controls us we get so much back in return.  That sense of accomplishment is the greatest feeling ever!  I think we all struggled finding our vices and giving them up, but like I always say, it's not about the failures, it's about how we learn from them and keep on a truckin' forward!

     Last, was the big dog...FORGIVENESS!  That word has the power to change everything in our lives if we are able to find it and give it to ourselves and others.  But how do we do it?  Is there a magic recipe?  We can't sign up for a "forgiveness" test.  It's something that has to come from digging deep.  It has to come through healing.  It is a vital part of changing yourself from the inside out.

"I believe that once I begin to see changes in myself and see my happiness and love for life continue to gleam back into my eyes, heart and soul, that forgiveness for people that have wronged me will come naturally."  Brittany Burris (Indiana, USA)

     Our guest blogger this week, Jen Clark, also challenged us to plank in our extra #pushit challenge!  Let me tell you what...we planked...it hurt...but it felt so good!  Planking really does work the whole body.  I think some people even discovered that they would continue incorporating them into their weekly routines.  

"Oh and I hate doing planks, but it's in my daily reminders now!" -Jo Turner (Ilsan, Korea)

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