Sunday, April 13, 2014

Beach Body Challenge Week 2: You've Got a Friend in Me

            Easter week is upon us.  I can remember, as a child, being taught about this holiday.  What comes to mind most when I think about Easter is love, sacrifice, and forgiveness.  So this week, I decided to make those themes part of our challenge. 
            Forgiveness is hard.  The greatest gift we can give ourselves is the ability to forgive others and ourselves.  However, doing this is not easy.  I spent most of my life hating others and myself for every terrible thing I experienced and did.  What did this lead to?  Not a damn thing.  People continued to move on with their lives, and I continued to just be angry inside.  Forgiveness really is for you and not for them.  It takes time and work.  Most of all, it takes being honest with yourself.  We have all made a lot of mistakes and been through things.  It might take more than a week to complete this, but begin the process.  I have waited for so many apologies that never came, and I have beat myself up for the dumb mistakes I’ve made.  Today is the day that you say, “I deserve more.  I want more.”  Make that happen for yourself.  The more you can forgive and move forward, the “lighter” you will feel, and the more successful this journey will be for you. 
            We all have our vices.  My life has been filled with one vice after another. Giving up a vice, big or small, is the best feeling in the world.  This week you will do just that.  You are better than your vice.  It won’t be easy, but see what life could be like without it this week. 
            You are making great changes and taking risks.  Get a friend involved.  Without a support system, making these changes stick is so hard.  I was so lucky to have a roommate, friends, and family that held me accountable and pushed me to make these changes.  I don’t think I would have had this much success or made it this long without them.  Your support system is what will get you through the hard days and celebrate with you on the good ones.  Lean on them.  Tell them what you want to see for your future.  They will be there for you.  The best thing I heard lately from my friends is:  “Stephen, we love you and will always be here for you.”  Having these positive people in your life will make all the difference in the world.  You already have this group and me.  This time you will be better because we are all sweating, eating, sharing, and working together. 
            Lastly, your stories have inspired me so much.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I am adding a guest blogger this week who will be giving us an extra “#pushit” challenge.  Complacency can never be an option.  This week’s hash tags are:  #sgjunebody #friendsforever.  If you complete the “#pushit” challenge, use that as your hash tag.  Have a great week, and keep it up!  Remember:  You are worth it!  Make today your day!

1.) Workout with a friend
2.) #pushit challenge:  Revealed this week by our surprise, guest blogger!  
Give up a vice!  Good luck!
Forgive yourself or someone else

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