Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 4: Push It Challenge Guest Blogger

It's that time again...#pushit challenge for week 4.  I am so excited for y'all to meet someone who is a big part of my life.  She is my best friend, my biggest pain in the butt, and someone I am so very proud of.  She is my little sister, Stephanie Glaspie.  She is showing the world that when you fall down, you gotta get back up.  So with that being said, please enjoy my sister's story...

When my brother asked me to be the guest blogger for this week, I thought he was silly. I don’t find myself that inspirational.  I still have horrible food habits and no one is going to look at me as a “role model”.  However, the more I thought about this, the more I thought—maybe my story might touch just one person and help them to achieve their goals.

I've never possessed high self-esteem throughout the years. I was never the skinniest, the smartest or the most popular in school. I wore baggy clothes ranging from sizes large to extra-large, with a size 15-17 in pants.  I did not like to work out, do physical activities with friends or diet. I was a lost cause when it came to my weight, so from this I will tell my story.

I guess you could say I started my weight loss journey back in 2008. I went home during one of my college breaks and met a guy. He was a family friend, who got my number from my parents and we started to talk. He was in the Air Force, older than me, liked to have a good time and had these blue eyes that locked me in immediately. We were on and off for over a year due to me being in college and him traveling because of his job. I received a call one afternoon, and he said he was done with our relationship.  I was at a loss for words and just sat in my car. Looking out the window at the Windermere Pool, or as we liked to call it, "America’s Next Top Model Pool", something clicked. I wanted to lose weight.

 I weighed myself a week or so after that thought and weighed in at 195 pounds. “How did this happen!? No wonder he let me go!”  I thought to myself.  I was disgusted at what I had become. Most people joke about the freshman 15, but I gained the freshman 30-40! That’s when I made my change.

I started going to the Windermere gym late at night in hopes no one would be in there. I couldn’t even run for a minute without stopping because I thought I was going to pass out. After a couple months of slow running and walking, I slowly started getting the confidence to attempt the weight machines. I had some knowledge from using them in high school, but I didn’t even know where to start!  I would nervously look around and try to examine the little figurines on the side in hope to figure it out quickly before someone noticed I had no idea what I was doing. I always felt so out of place in the gym, but I kept going.

 I would lose 5 pounds here, 5 pounds there and before I knew it, the gym became part of my lifestyle. As much as the break-up hurt me, it pushed me to focus on myself and accomplish goals I never thought I could do.

It has been almost six years since I first started working out.  In those six years, I have managed to run 2.50 miles without stopping, increased my weights and slimmed down my waistline. I now wear mediums in shirts and size 9 in jeans. I go to the gym anywhere from 3-5 times a week to keep my weight off and lost 60 pounds at my smallest, weighing in at 138 lbs. on my wedding day. I was so proud of myself because I never thought I could do this.

After all those lonely nights at the gym by myself, blisters on my toes, eczema flare ups from all the sweat and leg muscles so sore that I could barely get up the stairs, I had achieved what I set my mind to.  I never gave up and kept pushing myself hard. I was happy.  I told myself four years ago, I was never going back to what I once was.  But little did I know I would ever go through the heartache of a divorce...

I went from being with someone who brought out the best in me, to someone who brought the worst out in me. I tried to keep our marriage together, but he did not want to be married. I was devastated. I began to have thoughts of failure in myself, depression sank in and had no energy to do anything. He had mentally and emotionally exhausted me.  I turned to food for comfort and exchanged my jeans for sweatpants. I gained 15 pounds from eating cookies, Reese cups, pizza, etc.  I came back to my parents from Fort Drum, NY with a little amount of money, my clothes, dishes and my dog, Miley Jo. I lost my car due to the horrendous winter, my home, my husband, insurance and had no job. I hit rock bottom and it wasn’t pretty.

But here I am, telling myself exactly what I told myself six years ago—don’t give up. Life threw me for a loop, but I am coming out of this relapse a stronger and wiser woman. Friends and family are encouraging me, giving me hope and keeping me motivated.  I am back focusing on myself and pushing forward every day. I know I haven’t reached my ultimate weight loss goal, but I have determination and strength to keep going for it. The journey might not always be easy, but never give up and always believe in yourself.

“Fall down seven times, stand up eight!”

2008 (Before)                                                 
                              2014 (After)

This week’s push-it challenge:  

I’ve been trying to tone my arms for summer, so lets get those arms moving!
 There are many arm work-outs- some with just your body weight or some with dumbells. Just work your arms a couple times this week if you haven’t been doing so, and let's get ready for summer!
If you bench press or use weight machines: Increase your weight by just 5 pounds by the end of this week.  

Work those muscles! Stephanie <3

Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 3: Stranger Danger....What I'm up to

     This was probably one of our most inspiring weeks yet.  People found a lot of success with our 1-mile push-it challenge, and there was just an overall feeling of success within the group.  I also felt that way.  It was a fun week to get out there, meet new people, and run!  So here's how I completed this week's challenges:

Physical:  Try Something New!

     Free weights are not something that I feel I am very good at.  So I just avoid them, and focus on what is more comfortable for me.  Well, I got schooled this week.  Saturday morning my good friend asked me to come down to his part of Seoul and work out with him.  I was in a good mood and ready to try something new.  So away I went and 2 hours later I was in a new gym with Jay...an ex-bodybuilder...FML!  I was about to get killed.  He pushed me hard and had me sweating in places I didn't know could sweat anymore.  It was a great workout, and I learned a lot more about free weights. They still scare me, but I'm really going to try and incorporate them into my workouts more.

Mental:  Confront a Fear!!

     Our fears really hold us back from being the best person we can be.  I was determined to tackle a few of my own.  I tackled my first fear on Friday night...singing in front of an audience.  I have been acting since I was around 12 years old, but singing still scares me to death.  I'm not that good at it, and it just stresses me out.  I went up there on Friday and did the best I can do.  I was proud that I got through the song without fainting and look forward to doing better this Friday.  

     I have also been really scared of clowns for sometime.  So a friend of mine and I decided we were going to try and lessen that fear.  We sat down and watched "It".  We didn't make it all the way through the movie, but I did discover that I was able to look at Pennywise more and more as the movie went along.  I'm still not over it (you will not see clown pics on this blog), but I do feel that I'm moving in the right direction.  

Emotional:  Stranger Danger!!

     Luckily, I have always been a very social person.  I love people and getting to know them.  Meeting people; however, can be a problem for some.  I wanted us all to step out of our comfort zones, and meet some new people.  It was great to see so many new faces pop up all over the event page.  I chose a lady that I have had casual conversation with for the past year.  I have never taken the time; however, to get to know her.  I stepped out of my comfort zone and went to talk to her.  She is lovely, and I'm glad that I took that time to meet her.  

Push It:  Run 1 mile!!

     Our guest blogger, Jessica Pasco, challenged us to run/walk 1 mile.  This challenge brought me the most joy this week.  I have never timed my mile and wanted to see how fast I could do it.  I was able to run it in about 9 minutes.  I couldn't believe it!  I remember barely being able to run for 1 minute just 11 months ago.  I saw, in that moment, how hard I need to keep pushing myself.  I'm capable of more than I give myself credit for.  

**Keep pushing yourself to new limits this week.  We got this!  Make today your day!**

Week 4: Giving Back

We’ve made it to week 4!!!  I was so inspired and pumped to hear about all the successes that everyone had in week 3.  It seemed to be a much more successful week than week 2.  Let’s keep that momentum going in “Week 4:  Giving Back."

 I decided to start this challenge to try and do my part to give back and help others.  So many people have been helping and encouraging me.  I wanted to do the same for others.  So this week we are going to focus on giving back to ourselves and those around us.

This week’s hashtags will be: #sgjunebody  #givingback.  Keep up all the hard work, and don’t give up!  You all are amazing and deserve to have it all.  Rock out in week 4, and remember that we are all here for one another. 




Giving back to you!  

So many of you saw that you were capable of more than you ever thought last week.  So this week I want you to prove that to yourself.  

Give yourself a fitness goal that you feel you aren’t ready for, and then see if you can make it happen.  

For example:  I want to do a 30 minute run and finally be able to do my first pull-up.  This week I’m on it like a fat kid on key lime pie!  

I  may fail, but success only comes after we have experienced failure. 
Daily High 5!  

Staying positive can be hard.  Some days it feels like everyone and everything is working against you.  

To help keep myself motivated, I pump myself up each morning with some positive affirmations.  

Come up with some for yourself, and use them to remind yourself how awesome you are and to never give up on yourself!

Write these affirmations down and place them where you can easily see them and be reminded!
Random Acts of Kindness!  

Giving back to us feels great, but sharing that feeling with others is equally rewarding.
Come up with something nice that you can do for someone else.  People are watching you transform and they are now looking to you for inspiration.  

Find a way to give back to someone else this week.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Week 3: Push It Challenge Guest Blogger

Every time someone tells me that I have inspired them, it melts my heart. So, I thought it was only befitting to introduce you to someone who has inspired me. About 4 months or so into my journey, I ran across a picture of this hot Latina, Jessica Pasco, on my Facebook wall. I didn't recognize her and thought I might be getting trolled. I clearly remembered a Jessica Rodriguez from my days at Ball State University, but she looked nothing like the girl on my FB wall. Well.... guess what?!?! It WAS the same girl. If any of you think that you can't change your life, guess what? You're wrong! Here is the story of my college friend and inspiration: 

This is the story that was never supposed to be written; the story of the funny, fat girl named Jessica, who fully embraced her role. I wasn't supposed to lose weight, I wasn't supposed the be the "skinny" girl who runs for fun. I wasn't supposed to be a guest blogger, writing to you all about how one day I decided enough was enough and took control of my health. I was destined to be overweight my whole life; I had accepted this and saw no other future for myself. The funny thing is, it's never too late to take control and decide who you want to be, it just took me awhile to figure that out. 

I was overweight my entire life. The highest weight I ever saw on the scale was 308 lbs. I remember crying in the doctor's office that day with my mom, and going home and eating to make myself feel momentarily better. 

Throughout my life I had repeatedly lost and then gained back all the weight probably ten times. The thing is, I LOVE food; I relate to it on a personal level. You don't get to weigh 300+ lbs by not eating. Sad? Let's eat! Happy? Let's celebrate with food! Bored? NOM! I will always be the girl staring at the plate of brownies (or cheese or pretty much any serving tray filled with delicious snacks). 

I guess the thing that finally clicked with me is that it's OKAY to love food. Just try to love GOOD and real food most of the time. I never liked trying to lose weight because I always felt hungry. You'd be surprised as to how much food I eat on a daily basis, now I am just making smarter choices. Moderation is key. I try to eat really well during the day for breakfast and lunch at work, which allows a little wiggle room for dinners at home with my husband. Make good choices 80% of the time and allow some indulgence the other 20% (nothing off limits!!). The realization of this is what kickstarted my weight loss journey. Losing weight is mostly what you eat and put into your body. Nourish yourself with good foods, and great things will come. 

I started my weight loss journey in January 2012 in hopes to feel pretty on my upcoming wedding day. I literally dove right in, and I was determined to succeed. I went from absolutely NO EXERCISE to working Monday-Friday in the morning before work. I remember walking into the gym the first day, feeling like all eyes were on the fat girl trying to figure out what to do. When I first started, I lived on the elliptical (very low impact on joints, and burns a TON of calories) and was super self-conscious about getting sweaty. But day after day, pound after pound, I slowly gained confidence little by little. 

In the 9 months leading up to my wedding, I managed to lose 80 lbs and walked down the aisle feeling more beautiful than I ever had in my adult life. After the wedding, my sister, Michelle, and my mother started working out WITH me and that's when things changed for me entirely. Having the support at the gym propeeled me into a world of CrossFit, Taebo, and Zumba (despite being a lovely Latina woman, I have ZERO rhythm). It took me off the elliptical, out of my comfort zone to places I never would have had the courage to go before. 

In June of 2013, I had the crazy idea to start running. Looking back, I honestly cannot even tell you WHY in the world I would have wanted to run. I hated running the mile at school; I vividly remember crying to my mom and having her write me notes to get out of doing so. I was always the last to finish...every single time. So disheartening, I remember the burning feeling in my lungs, cramps in my side and the sadness in my heart. So, the fact that as an adult, I willingly chose one day to just run for FUN is downright ridiculous, but it is truly one of the best things I ever did. When I started, I was slow, very slow, but I did it. I didn't push for speed or running long distances. I'd make a deal with myself to run to the mailbox, and then you can walk. After awhile, I could run to the corner, and then further and further. The funny thing is, the more I did it, the more I liked it. It changed me as a person.

In July, my sister Michelle and I set out to achieve the impossible. We decided that we were going to run a marathon, a FULL 26.2 miles the following November, just 5 short months after my very first run. Most people thought we were crazy....hell, I THOUGHT we were crazy. It was by far the craziest thing we ever attempted. On November 2, 2013, we successfully accomplished the impossible. From the get-go, our only goals was to finish; and after 6 hours and 23 grueling minutes of running (I mean, seriously, have you ever worked out for 6 hours straight??? That's like watching Titantic back to back 2x) we crossed the finish line. I vividly remember feeling like we had won the race. The overwhelming feeling of pride and happiness I felt that day swells my heart with joy, and still to this day, it makes me cry just thinking about it. It was our greatest accomplishment (thus far) and while we certainly weren't the fastest by far, we poured countless hours of training, blood, sweat, and tears, and 4:30am wake up calls for long runs, over five months and 500 miles of preparation for that one day. It will always and forever be one of the happiest days of my life. Running a marathon changes you, from the inside out, it's inexplicable to someone who has never done it, and with the right amount of dedication and determination, you could do it too!

With anything in life, it's so important to have a support system. My sister and my mom push me and encourage me to try my hardest each and everyday. In the past year, the three of us combined have lost a total of 250 lbs. My wonderful, incredibly strong mama, is currently training to run her first half marathon with me and my sister on May 2nd. Your habits, whether they're good or bad, spread to those around you. Surround yourself with people who love and support you, and you can achieve anything.

Even sitting down and writing this out seems surreal. I feel like for years I had just accepted the fact that I was going to be overweight and sad my whole life, that it was too late. In two short years I managed to lose 160 lbs. If someone would have sat me down two years ago and showed me what my life would look like today, I would have never believed it was possible. I know people always say "If I can do it, so can you" but honestly it's the truth. 

As of today, I currently weigh 148 lbs. I went from a size 24 pants to a size 4. I've officially lost MORE weight that I currently weigh. Thinking about that honestly blows my mind. I'm literally half the person I used to be, yet I feel like I've grown and gained so much. I've added countless years onto my life, and I have inspired those around me to lose weight and adapt a healthier lifestyle. My biggest piece of advice to anyone looking to lose weight or change their old habits, is to just take it day by day. Celebrate small victories, every pound, every minute exercised, every step of the way. It's important to enjoy the ride, and not be too hard on yourself. I constantly reminded myself along the way that I was breaking habits that had been formed over my whole life.

Your story is never done being written, and it's never too late to become the person you were always meant to be. Anything is possible with positivity, persistence and a little perspiration.


Lastly, Stephen asked me to create a challenge for this week, and as a runner.. I'm sure you can take a guess where I am going to go with this....

I want you to lace up your shoes, and run (walk, crawl...) one mile. It doesn't matter if it takes you 45 minutes, or 8 minutes. Get out there, pound the pavement, listen to music or listen to the beating of your heart. Try to lose yourself in the run. Enjoy it. Bask in the glory of your awesomeness, you can do it

I apologize for my incessant ramblings and for those of you who actually made it this far thanks for reading :) Jess